Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kalomo, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 7836143
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Latitude: -17.0314754, Longitude: 26.4719077

kommentar 5

  • Mundia Nawa

    Mundia Nawa


    It's a nice place for pleasure resort am recommending for anyone

  • muyombo malumo

    muyombo malumo


    It's alright but not quite there yet

  • Brian Ant

    Brian Ant


    The meals are tasty nicely done, very quiet environment off town.

  • rochu



    We had a breakdown on the way to Lusaka and a taxi driver brought us here. We had no other go as it was getting dark. Roads to the lodge was terrible and the room we got was more than terrible. Toilet seat was broken, wash basin almost collapsed, old model tv not working, fridge was smelling, kettle not working, and nobody there to complain. The man gave us the key and disappeared. We somehow managed to adjust and left very early in the morning. Totally disappointed

  • Danny Leza

    Danny Leza


    It's nice and quite place. Make you feel secure. The place is clean. Just the mosquito 🦟. Off there are mosquito nets just like don't like being in one. Makes feel like am in a prison. So I have to put up with a few bites. Otherwise for a town like kalomo, pazuri is a good place.

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