Bulo Bwangu Lodge i Kalomo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaBulo Bwangu Lodge


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Plot No.317 Chikanta Street, off the T1, Kalomo 10101, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 7864364
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Latitude: -17.0329807, Longitude: 26.4910278

kommentar 5

  • Mundia Nawa

    Mundia Nawa


    The place is good, aware some, nice to stay and spend time

  • natasha kapili

    natasha kapili


    with this cold weather you assured of hot water anytime...and it's near the main road

  • Joshua Sikazwe

    Joshua Sikazwe


    Nice place but needs to be updated to modern standard it's a bit old model.

  • Humphrey Kasale

    Humphrey Kasale


    The rooms are big and spacious. The breakfast is too basic just a slice of bread and a cup of team. The workers are friendly and the place is clean

  • Chimuka Inambao

    Chimuka Inambao


    Wow i really like bulo bwangu lodge, it really gives me a home away feeling and i am most thankful to the owners of that place for a great job the are doing. Thank you so much and may God continue blessing you abundantly.

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