First City Lodge i Kalomo

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ZambiaFirst City Lodge



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Livingstone Lusaka Roadside Kalomo ZM, Kalomo 10101, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 6583115
internet side:
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Latitude: -17.0284331, Longitude: 26.4689031

kommentar 5

  • Alinjavwa Mutambo

    Alinjavwa Mutambo


    This is a nice simple place to spend nights i would recommend this as the best in kalomo

  • rochu



    Room was clean and spacious. Problem was with the bathroom. Water was not coming forcefully and there was leakage in the sink. Paid for Ac room, but Ac coolness they adjusted in such a way that we can't change the temperature and we felt hot in the midnight and dependent on fan.

  • Matongo “Afro Matrix” Maumbi

    Matongo “Afro Matrix” Maumbi


    Kalomo lacks good lodging and finding First City was a relief. Not complete but offers far better accommodation than most places in the town. I hope they do finish it soon so that it can be fully functional. When in Kalomo, that's gonna be my place for a peaceful rest. Right along the road a few minutes from the CBD.

  • Mac Alford

    Mac Alford


    Spacious rooms and bathrooms (although shower was quite complicated). Protected parking space limited (difficult to turn around/back out). Breakfast of 2 fried eggs, 3 pieces of toast, tomatoes, onions, and peppers with coffee or tea. Small dining area and conference room available.

  • Jephtah Mwale

    Jephtah Mwale


    The bedrooms are excellent The staff is very polite Food is limited you don't what you unless what's available. There is only cold water to bath. The environment is conducive very quiet. All in all my stay was very pleasant

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