Kinako Game Ranch i Mongu

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ZambiaKinako Game Ranch



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Torsdagåben 24 timer
Fredagåben 24 timer
Lørdagåben 24 timer
M9, Mongu, Limulunga, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 1901301
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -15.2437291, Longitude: 23.2816249

kommentar 5

  • Kenny Kashunda

    Kenny Kashunda



  • Mwananyanga Hajaya

    Mwananyanga Hajaya


    Very good

  • Samwinda Mubita

    Samwinda Mubita


    Its really a nice place

  • Milumbe Sipatela

    Milumbe Sipatela


    #KINAKO_GAME_RANCH its one of its kind in western province and to the people of mongu . for it is indeed time for the people of the might and lovely western province to have this lovely experience of have different kind of Species like the birds the wild animals like ; the peacocks, the pecking ducks ,the kalukunis, the goose, the geese , the ostriches, the emus , the pukus, the wild beasts, the zebras, the impalas, the kudus and many more species . Visit to this place and have a clear View of what found there and you'll be able to appreciate the love with you that you find at kinako game ranch for you never go home and you always love to be at this place every time for we have some of the Species which you can find in any national park within Western province Bring your loved ones and have great time here ❤

  • trevy nyambe

    trevy nyambe


    It's a great place to be.

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