Ngulu-ta-Utoya i Mongu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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M10, Mongu, Mongu, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 7946138
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Latitude: -15.285842, Longitude: 23.1428075

kommentar 5

  • Lutangu Mwilima

    Lutangu Mwilima


    Its a very nice place over looking the beautiful Barotse plains

  • chanda bwelele

    chanda bwelele


    This place was a five star but doesn't but over the years lost standard but again management is trying to standardize the hotel. It's improving and has a clear top view of the Barotse Flood Plain. Easily accessible and near a shopping center or Business area. No swimming pool but air-conditioned rooms. Good food and has bar that is well stocked. Has parking space. It's a place to be.

  • Milumbe Sipatela

    Milumbe Sipatela


    This hotel is geographically located perfectly you have the view of the Plains of this land well you're able to look at the planes and able to give you the loveliest Margaret ever have if you come to mine when you want to have the best ever view of the plane I'm going to hotel is the place to be the rooms are first class the people there on the reception are well trained and they give you the best reception services ever you've never received

  • Kondwani Lungu

    Kondwani Lungu


    It's good, though old. And very little has been done to keep the place running smoothly.(renovation)

  • Clive Lukulo

    Clive Lukulo


    Nice, clean and affordable place to stay in Mongu.It has a restaurant and bar facilities. Friendly staff. Best view of the Barotse flood plains from the hotel.

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