Royal Dream Lodge i Mongu

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaRoyal Dream Lodge


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mongu. cold storage road, plot 209 a mbuywana, Mongu, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 8931358
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Latitude: -15.2860564, Longitude: 23.1532678

kommentar 5

  • Chris M Mwanza

    Chris M Mwanza


    Good place in mongu for cold drinks and lodging

  • innocent sichz

    innocent sichz


    This place has a lot of potential but is definitely lacking in many areas

  • Milumbe Sipatela

    Milumbe Sipatela


    This is one of the best lodges we have in mongu the chefs equal to a task and they do their best when it comes to cooking the waitresses and the people who take care of the rooms they do their best to the level best all the times the rooms are clean and all the time they always give the best to the people loading at their place so this is the best place ever to be if you want to come in mongo and you want to come and have some good time checking it rhodrons Lodge then you'll be giving the best ever services you've never had in this world

  • Mweembo Kambiwa

    Mweembo Kambiwa


    It is a Great Architecture, beutiful Green backyard simply Amazing

  • Mapani Joseph

    Mapani Joseph


    This place has one of The best hygiene standards in the province

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