Crossroads Shopping Mall i Lusaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaCrossroads Shopping Mall



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Leopards Hill Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
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Latitude: -15.4356385, Longitude: 28.3550561

kommentar 5

  • Albert Guccihasele

    Albert Guccihasele


    Its a shopping mall I have never visited smart and easiest

  • en

    Chanda Phiri


    It's just "OK" and that's that. Has almost everything one may need in one place i.e zesco, Lusaka water and sewerage company, all the mobile telecom companies, bookworld, jubilee chemist, majoru butchery, a laundry company etc however compared to other malls there's little fun stuff/places/activities for the kids.

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    George Kafukanya


    This place has for many many years remained the same small car park hussle to anything with easy

  • Gibson Nyirenda

    Gibson Nyirenda


    Looking for a less congested mall east of Lusaka? Make no mistake and head to crossroads mall

  • Chipego Changula

    Chipego Changula


    As far as shopping malls go this one is 'okay.' It's basic and functional but not as vibrant, or as large, as the likes of Manda Hill, Arcades or East Park shopping malls. However, Pick n Pay is well stocked with friendly staff. The compact size of this mall means that all it's services and shops aren't too far apart. The majority of the major banks have ATMs here.

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