Manda Hill Shopping Mall i Lusaka

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ZambiaManda Hill Shopping Mall



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Great East, Lusaka, Lusaka, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 21 1255450
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Latitude: -15.3977634, Longitude: 28.3070678

kommentar 5

  • Teza Mulenga

    Teza Mulenga


    Awesome shopping mall to visit. One of the best in Zambia. I always enjoy my time at this mall. 👌🏾

  • Cynthia Mwale

    Cynthia Mwale


    Manda Hill is a great shopping mall, it is the best in Zambia. It has variate of stores like: food stores, Banks, clothing outlets, Book and Novel stores, Cinema, Furniture and mobile phone sections, beautiful eatings sections, and lots of car parking space always available etc. It has many more beautiful things to offer than many shopping malls I know in Zambia.

  • en

    Haggai Kateule


    Nice place for family shopping and recreation. Has top brand retail, clothing and restaurants. Great parking are too. My favorite for shopping. It's ultra modern.

  • Ted Maseko

    Ted Maseko


    This is one of the best magnificent shopping paradise. With its splendor structure and better-4-all affordable prices. It's a place where regret comes if only you have heard but not visited.

  • Sampa The Psalmis

    Sampa The Psalmis


    This is arguably the best shopping mall in Zambia. Its spacious and has most of the brands one looks for at a shopping mall. Its a place you can shop with family yet has a vibrant night life. You will love the place

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