Taita Falcon Lodge i Livingstone

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ZambiaTaita Falcon Lodge


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11km from the Victoria Falls, Livingstone 60012, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
internet side: www.taitafalcon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -17.9809111, Longitude: 25.9106594

kommentar 5

  • Doug Keep

    Doug Keep


    The view FROM Taita Falcon lodge was absolutely stunning, that alone was worth the price. Our room was fantastic, you are basically outdoors but somehow in luxury! Not for someone who can't cope with animal noises in the night, but if you like the sound of the Zambezi to lull you to sleep you couldn't do better!

  • Adventure Media Services Ltd (Tony Barnett Productions)

    Adventure Media Services Ltd (Tony Barnett Productions)


    Amazing views. Great cold beer… great adventure to drive out to the Batoka gorge

  • Patrick “Man P” Pumulo

    Patrick “Man P” Pumulo


    It was really good to visit this place I really felt at home, What a cool atmosphere there experienced Make a date and visit this place. You will really enjoy .

  • Craig Nixon

    Craig Nixon


    For just a day visit, afternoon actually, Taita Falcon is amazing and beautiful. The views from the ridge top dining room are unparalleled. The service staff is humble and very friendly, as is the proprietor.




    My wife and I recently spent a few days at the Taita Falcon Lodge. The view of the Zambezi River is spectacular. While the accommodations are a bit rustic, we had ample privacy and slept well in the very comfortable bed. The owners and staff could not have been more gracious or hospitable. They prepared an excellent banquet for us every night, which accommodated us as vegetarians. We highly recommend the Taita Falcon Lodge.

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