Royal Livingstone Victoria Falls Zambia Hotel by Anantara i Livingstone

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ZambiaRoyal Livingstone Victoria Falls Zambia Hotel by Anantara



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Mosi-oa-Tunya Road, Livingstone, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 21 3321122
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Latitude: -17.9149161, Longitude: 25.8665268

kommentar 5

  • Nick Dempers

    Nick Dempers


    Really fancy hotel. Wonderful location next to the Zambezi river. The sundeck is fantastic to relax and have cocktails while watching the sunset.

  • Sean Guthrie

    Sean Guthrie


    Lives up to it's five stars!! We were brought to the hotel by water taxi, and were met by Edward, or as he introduced himself: Speedy-Edward, The Man With the Golden Key (A name I will not soon forget. Give this man a raise!). He had a million dollar smile and was dancing the whole way to their dock (come to find out he knows a half-dozen languages, and is learning a half-dozen more). After he checked us in and we tearfully departed his company, we enjoyed top notch service from the era-themed bar, and ate dinner on their restaurants patio, overlooking the Zambezi a few dozen meters away. Breakfast was one-of-a-kind with some of the best omelettes I've ever had, and the walk to the falls can be done in a flash, especially if you have one of the on-site transport golf carts take you there ;). Be sure to visit the Curio Shops while at the falls, but bring your A-game, those guys are tough barterers.

  • Sean Guthrie

    Sean Guthrie


    Lives up to it's five stars!! We were brought to the hotel by water taxi, and were met by Edward, or as he introduced himself: Speedy-Edward, The Man With the Golden Key (A name I will not soon forget. Give this man a raise!). He had a million dollar smile and was dancing the whole way to their dock (come to find out he knows a half-dozen languages, and is learning a half-dozen more). After he checked us in and we tearfully departed his company, we enjoyed top notch service from the era-themed bar, and ate dinner on their restaurants patio, overlooking the Zambezi a few dozen meters away. Breakfast was one-of-a-kind with some of the best omelettes I've ever had, and the walk to the falls can be done in a flash, especially if you have one of the on-site transport golf carts take you there ;). Be sure to visit the Curio Shops while at the falls, but bring your A-game, those guys are tough barterers.

  • Ioana Neagu

    Ioana Neagu


    We stayed here only for 2 nights during our stop between safaris to relax and see Vic Falls. The property is gorgeous. The food is good, the afternoon tea is worth the experience but my 2 favorite spots were the pool (not busy at all and zebras walk around freely) and the bar by the water - drinks are delicious and the views of the sunset over the Zambezi are simply incredible. We had a bit of a rainy afternoon and we got a massage by the river! Great massage and great escape during the rain - they have these cool tents set up outside so while you are covered you get to either see the river and/or enjoy the sound of the rain. We had breakfast and dinner at the hotel both nights and they were great quality.

  • Ioana Neagu

    Ioana Neagu


    We stayed here only for 2 nights during our stop between safaris to relax and see Vic Falls. The property is gorgeous. The food is good, the afternoon tea is worth the experience but my 2 favorite spots were the pool (not busy at all and zebras walk around freely) and the bar by the water - drinks are delicious and the views of the sunset over the Zambezi are simply incredible. We had a bit of a rainy afternoon and we got a massage by the river! Great massage and great escape during the rain - they have these cool tents set up outside so while you are covered you get to either see the river and/or enjoy the sound of the rain. We had breakfast and dinner at the hotel both nights and they were great quality.

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