Shoprite Mosi-oa-tunya i Livingstone

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaShoprite Mosi-oa-tunya



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Mosi-Oa-Tunya, 10101, Livingstone, Livingstone, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
internet side:
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Latitude: -17.879826, Longitude: 25.86001

kommentar 5

  • Dean Ntutuma

    Dean Ntutuma


    My favorite place for shopping, the staff are professional well trained in customer care. This place is very peaceful and well organized, easy to find want you want to buy.

  • Martins Shumba

    Martins Shumba


    Shoprite is of course the leading supermarket in Livingstone, by far. I enjoy low prices too. But 2 things 1. Unfriendly staff who thinks are better than their customers. They don't smile unless the bosses are around. They answer with attitude. 2. Stolen change, they don't never ngwees as change. "From how many customers do they steal from per day? How much do they realise per day through this way?" I always ask myself. It devastates me, every single day.

  • Chilala Mutinta Muhyila

    Chilala Mutinta Muhyila


    It's A Big Shop With A Big Quantity Of Supplies! It's Better Than The Original Shoprite Of Livingstone City Centre.

  • kelly Angel

    kelly Angel


    More specious than the one in main town, nice place for all your groceries, clothes,food, tea and coffee, take away food,banking

  • Zikonde Nyirenda

    Zikonde Nyirenda


    It's the largest ShopRite in Livingstone and attracts a lot of customers on weekends and gets crowded.

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