Shoprite Livingstone i Livingstone

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ZambiaShoprite Livingstone



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Kapondo Street, Livingstone, Livingstone, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -17.8477215, Longitude: 25.8574983

kommentar 5

  • Emmanuel Mulima (Juice)

    Emmanuel Mulima (Juice)


    I think Shoprite is a great supermarket chain. It offers a wide variety of products, friendly service, and competitive prices. If you're looking for a great grocery shopping experience, I would definitely recommend checking out Shoprite

  • Ludmilla Liebetrau

    Ludmilla Liebetrau


    Tintech Bed&Breakfast is a very nice quiet hotel with a nice pool. The room was beatyful clean and cozy, the beds very comfortable. We prepared breakfast be ourself and enjoyed it a lot to sit under the Makutiroof. The stuff is very friendly kind and welcoming. You can reach town in 30 minutes, walking to the mainroad and than take a shartaxi for 8 Pula. Also a nice mall is nearby. The area Is very peaceful and quiet, best place to relax. I really recommend that hotel.

  • Josiah Chizawu

    Josiah Chizawu


    I love to tour my city, Livingstone. Its home to a number of tourists attraction sites,amongst them are; Victoria falls, Museum, Mukuni Big 5....

  • David tembo

    David tembo


    The place is just amazing, clean, organized and it has affordable prices

  • Lion King

    Lion King


    Shoprite the lowest price you can trust always

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