The David Livingstone Safari Lodge & Spa i Livingstone

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ZambiaThe David Livingstone Safari Lodge & Spa



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Off, Sichango Road, Livingstone, Livingstone, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 95 0368484
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Latitude: -17.8879981, Longitude: 25.8442225

kommentar 5

  • Muhammed Uzair Osman

    Muhammed Uzair Osman


    It is a special place. Especially during the sunset. The hotel is on the zambizi river. The view is really romantic. The open architecture allows for the hotel to experience those sunsets. The staff are helpful. There is free WiFi. The bathrooms are okay.

  • Kabir Khan

    Kabir Khan


    We came here for The Lady Livingstone, but from what we saw of the hotel, it looks amazing. The couch facing the entrance is the best place for a couple’s sunset picture. As the sun sets behind this couch/sofa, makes a incredible picture. I would post my pic, but I don’t think my Mrs would be happy about it!!

  • Ingrid Jeannot

    Ingrid Jeannot


    We stayed for 7 days at the jotel, ate at the restaurant, used the pool and the gym. As there are very different components to out stay I will list them separately : 1. Overall The hotel - rooms etc It is a pleasant atmosphere the hotel grounds are nicely kept - the highlight surely being the pool, which sadly has only a limited amount of umbrellas. This I would totally list as a negative. The rooms are clean, slightly outdated, the tiles have here and there some cracks in the floor and the furniture seating cushions are worn out.but overall pretty ok and the bed was nice and comfy. 2. The gym The first impression was, this is a decent gum room - but the elliptical was broken, the weights were a little rusty and the machine is slightly broken, it is still working though. 3. The restaurant The upstairs restaurant surely the highlight of the hotel, the food is excellent and shows a nice set of different meals. The downstairs bar restaurant is serving more bar food. One piece of advise, if you order a Virginia drink you pay full price. 4. The staff Super friendly, extremely professional. Surely the brightest shining star. Overall we like being there and would come back.

  • Jila Makina

    Jila Makina


    This was a very memorable stay, great breakfast and great service. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. Beautiful boat experience totally worth the price. An addition of Champagne on the boat would be nice. I will definitely be coming back here

  • Butterfly D

    Butterfly D


    Beautiful hotel surrounded by lots of greenery and located directly at the river front. When you open the balcony doors fully your have a wonderful view from the bed even. The beds are very soft, if you have back problems you'll destroy it even more on these beds. The showers is amazing and the room has a beautiful bathtub as well. Breakfast at the hotel is nice, but better skip the coffee during the stay, this tastes like vinegar.

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