Pangani Lodge i Katete

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaPangani Lodge



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Katete, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 6594630
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -14.0634508, Longitude: 32.0484401

kommentar 5

  • Sekelani Daka

    Sekelani Daka


    This lodge is just along Mozambique road. About a kilometer from great east road. The place is beautiful. It's a presidential like standard type. They cook well. Has also access to wheel chair facility

  • Saviour Moyo

    Saviour Moyo


    The lodge has soo much noise till 23:30 for people having party disturbing guests. And the person was arrogant to turn off guests are tired yet we pay alot of money..

  • Maina Malaya

    Maina Malaya


    Pretty decent accommodation that caters to different income groups. The service is okay but could be better. unfortunately, the lodge is situated along a busy main road so carry ear muffs.

  • Mulenga Mapachi

    Mulenga Mapachi


    Loved the 🚿 head enough water pressure. The Aircon was noisy in room 10 and not cool enough. Room well located.

  • Dariot Mumba

    Dariot Mumba


    Travelled with my wife for a family issue. We had a fairly good stay: just block out the noise from the bar and the staff early in the morning. The rooms are basic but clean; the surroundings are beautiful; and the food is reasonable.

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