Chengetani Lodge i Katete

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaChengetani Lodge


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Off Mozambique road, Katete, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 7437258
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Latitude: -14.08179, Longitude: 32.0548201

kommentar 5

  • John Y. Mvula

    John Y. Mvula


    Located in the outskirts of Katete Main shopping area, Chengetani Lodge is a very seen lodge. It is good for accommodation and outing. Rooms are neat and well arranged. The menu in the restaurant was great. Meals are well prepared and delicious. The lodge has a swimming pool that is well maintained. Generally the place is inviting and the the staff are welcoming. In my recent visit however the meal was delayed by 45 minutes despite preordering.

  • Mukuka Chibwe

    Mukuka Chibwe


    Good facilities, but service is poor. When I asked for batteries for the remote control unit of their TV , I was told that " the remote will work when I visit the place next time". I walked 2 km to the market and bought the batteries at US $ 0.13 and watched the TV .

  • Chisenga Abel Musuka

    Chisenga Abel Musuka


    One of the best lodges for the available options and price range in Katete, at the time of visit, March 2022. Has clean rooms and showers, stocked with fridge, kettle, and supplies for tea. Neat beddings and good beds. K350 and K400 a night.. Has continental breakfast in the package. Room service for dinner attracts an extra K50, which is a little steep. But overall, value for money is fairly OK.




    Chengetani lodge is a wonderful place to be.They are customer friendly. The only part they have to improve is when it comes to meal saving they delay a lot. Need to improve and emproy more watereses and they must always be time abiding to the clients

  • Chileshe Mulenga

    Chileshe Mulenga


    The rooms are superb, you will never regret being hosted by Chengetani lodge. Had a nice meal nice, chicken and chips all fresh food. The atmosphere is so friendly. They have a great customer service. People so friendly.

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