The Mocha Puddle Bakery & Café i Lusaka

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ZambiaThe Mocha Puddle Bakery & Café



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Thabo Mbeki Road, Lusaka, Lusaka, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 96 9471740
internet side:
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Latitude: -15.4016342, Longitude: 28.3256717

kommentar 5

  • AR



    Great place if you are gluten free. Great menu and delicious gluten free bake goods. They also have gluten free flour, pizza, focaccia, etc

  • Jason M

    Jason M


    If I could give more than five stars I certainly would! The wonderful owner and her team took great care of us, served wonderful coffee and breakfast, and were super helpful giving us recommendations for things to see and do for our limited time in Lusaka. We instantly felt at home here and like family - what a great little gem!

  • Samantha Leung

    Samantha Leung


    very relaxing atmosphere, nice food, good music, friendly staff, quick service, affordable price, and most of all, cuteeeee cats!!🐱🐱🐱

  • Salmaan Saleem

    Salmaan Saleem


    What a quaint, cosy and peaceful cafe in Mass media, Lusaka. The cafe has both indoor and outdoor seating area. I had a lovely brunch on a Saturday afternoon after work. I was surprised by the great gluten-free menu and very friendly service. The presentation was great and very fresh food. Loved it. The cafe is vegan and vegetarian friendly as well. Highly recommend it. A must try.

  • Diana Sakala

    Diana Sakala


    Really enjoyed my visit here. All their products are gluten free and quite affordable! Their customer service is top notch, the owner is so hands on and present in making sure everything is okay. They have such a beautiful space and a good aura to their service. A place to visit as many times as you want.

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