Shoprite Kitwe i Kitwe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaShoprite Kitwe



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Matoka Avenue Plot 135 Kitwe, Kitwe 10101, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
internet side:
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Latitude: -12.8209365, Longitude: 28.2092743

kommentar 5

  • Tinta Malambo

    Tinta Malambo


    Very crowded on weekends. Prices increase every other day. They have good promotions

  • mandy kay

    mandy kay


    I always do my grocery shopping from shoprite because their prices are reasonable and it is well stocked. You find whatever you want from this supermarket 💕

  • George Kabanda

    George Kabanda


    Shoprite is a good retail shop that is full of groceries, it also has a butchery and a bakery. I can say it is the number 1 super market with a good location. Although it's usually crowded and currently there are less trolleys and baskets. They should work on that.

  • Andrew Mutwale

    Andrew Mutwale


    It's a good supermarket just like most Shoprite outlets. The only problem is there are a lot of vendors near the entrance and exit. That inconveniences the shopping experience

  • Mutande Dimitar

    Mutande Dimitar


    When a store is packed with people from morning till evening amidst many other stores that aren't it speaks to their affordability and prices more than anything. ShopRite please ensure safety of your customers at the entrance and the exit from plastic boys who crowd every single person regardless of them with or without a parcel. URGENTLY

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