Latitude 15 Degrees i Lusaka

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ZambiaLatitude 15 Degrees



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10101, H972+FP8, Lusaka, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 211 268 802
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Latitude: -15.4362836, Longitude: 28.3518742

kommentar 5

  • Victor Sinyangwe

    Victor Sinyangwe


    Beautiful hotel with an African and exotic touch, relaxing surroundings. It's a great place to relax and get some work done while out on business trips or holidays. Reliable and friendly staff at your service

  • Florence Mbewe

    Florence Mbewe


    Amazing service. Our waiter Charles was friendly, attentive, and very helpful with menu recommendations. And the cheesecake was to die for😋

  • Yves Nkuba

    Yves Nkuba


    Just went to the restaurant and I really recommend it. The food was very nice in a good atmosphere. The place is beautiful with a particular style. I just loved it.

  • Nichole Tautz

    Nichole Tautz


    This hotel is an elegant way to stay in Lusaka, Zambia. Staff is kind, helpful and speak great English. My room was spacious and clean! I love the five piece bathroom and giant tub. I visited for two night in may and the weather was spectacular in Lusaka. I ate here several times and the food was consistently good quality, tasty, hot, pretty! Omelet bar and buffet breakfast was super and I even had a slice of pie the other night which was yummy! The AC worked wonders even though it had windows that would have let in the night air, no screens so it seemed safer to keep them shut and run the ac. I would highly recommend this location for business, couple of family with children

  • Musenge Muluwe

    Musenge Muluwe


    Good food and drinks, the waiter kept us from leaving, a bit too long after paying because their mobile payment app didn't work effectively but other than that the service was great and we were served in good time despite arriving just a few minutes before they close kitchen. They just need to work on mobile payment facilities so that we don't get inconvenienced.

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