Dentist/Orthodontist/Implantologist Dr Shah dental clinic i Kitwe

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ZambiaDentist/Orthodontist/Implantologist Dr Shah dental clinic



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Kanyanta Avenue, Shah Multispeciality Hospital, Mudzi House, Kitwe, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 6111409
internet side:
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Latitude: -12.8152485, Longitude: 28.2135359

kommentar 5

  • Hagai chisenga

    Hagai chisenga


    I really love everything about dr shah ,reception, her care when she is working on you is perfect.

  • sozy tzmo

    sozy tzmo


    If rating was with 10 stars 🌟 I could have given Dr Shah a 10/10👌💯.. Honestly she's the first best dentist have ever met,who treats patients equally be it black/white... NOTE: You're never fully dressed without a smile.. 👇 Dr shah Dental clinic(excellent results)..:

  • Niza Nampasa

    Niza Nampasa


    I had an dental appointment with my Orthodontist Dr. Shah @Deepshikha Grangrade As Ryzel couldn't stop crying and only wanted to be with her mummy. Dr Shah not only an outstanding Orthodontist with excellent customer service who has transformed my smile (which I totally love) but she is also an amazing MOM, doing the best she can for her family. Parenting and working is one of the biggest conflicts, every bit wants to be with you. I've learned that every working woman is A SUPERWOMAN. Doing it ALL, juggling being a mom and having a Career. If I could, I would give Dr Shah a sixth ⭐ for the love and care she has for her clients ❤️

  • Rudi & Tonia Marais

    Rudi & Tonia Marais


    Dr Shah is the best Orthodontist I know. She gave my children braces and within a few weeks there was a remarkable difference. You always feel loved when you are with her and she has the biggest heart. We love you Dr Shah.

  • Salifya Mugode

    Salifya Mugode


    Dr Shah is the best and most pleasant Dentist/Orthodontist I've ever visited. Explains procedures and makes you very comfortable during your sessions. She came in very highly recommended 👌 and after my experience with her I literally recommend her to everyone in need of dental services.

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