Buffalo Wings i Solwezi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaBuffalo Wings



🕗 åbningstider

RCGG+PWH, Solwezi, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 96 3750523
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -12.1731824, Longitude: 26.4273681

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Siwabamundi

    Andrew Siwabamundi


    Serves very delicious & tasty food. Has ample parking space and stocks a variety of goodies. I enjoyed my grilled T-Bone 🥩

  • Paxina Bwalya

    Paxina Bwalya


    The serving of food was quite pathetic, our waitress held our cutlery in her hands instead of wrapping them in a serviette. The waiters and waitresses were just busy on their phones. Nevertheless, spacious place.

  • Twaambo Chiinza

    Twaambo Chiinza


    Great food and customer service. Lovely atmosphere and natural spacious surroundings. Fresh food and generous portions. Efficient service. Just need to work on their change for purchases.

  • Mckay Mukwato

    Mckay Mukwato


    Nice Cool place and the food is delicious and affordable.

  • Natasha Ng'uni

    Natasha Ng'uni


    Great hang out spot for large crowds. Food is great but took a long wait. Service was also quite slow. I do hope they'll improve in the near future. Otherwise the atmosphere was good, with shisha available for smokers. Cocktails aren't too shabby for a town like solwezi.

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