VNT Motel i Chipata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaVNT Motel


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Kapata, Chipata, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 9119866
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Latitude: -13.634791, Longitude: 32.6479199

kommentar 5

  • Kamasi



    Wasn't impressed with the receptionist! Poor work culture

  • Mark Nyika

    Mark Nyika


    •Very good customer service. •Affordable accommodation •Good for meetings, weddings etc •It's a home away from home.

  • Timothy Sakala

    Timothy Sakala


    This is an old architectured facility seated right in the middle of Chipata city, a thing which is quite appealing. It's a Motel and offers over night accomodation mainly to the lower income customers who have budget pockets

  • Andrew Sakala

    Andrew Sakala


    Its one of the oldest private motels in chipata located in kapata just a three minutes drive from the town center it has rooms a bar restaurant and a conference center it has enough parking space and rooms range from self to non self contained .Dogs are not allowed but the place is open for 24 hours per day

  • Chifuka Zulu

    Chifuka Zulu


    One of the oldest guest houses in Chipata. The facility has lost it former glory but new management is trying to improve the facility with Some newer rooms being better than the old rooms.

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