Turkish Kebab Station i Lusaka

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ZambiaTurkish Kebab Station



🕗 åbningstider

Lusaka, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 6482341
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -15.3914905, Longitude: 28.3205994

kommentar 5

  • Suat Aksoy

    Suat Aksoy


    Nice food, fast service... enjoyed with Turkish cuisine....if you want to taste turkish good, this is the place that you need to visit. Enjoy🤤

  • Salih Gulhan

    Salih Gulhan


    If you want to taste delicious food,just try.

  • Alee Mtr

    Alee Mtr


    It is just awesome!!!!

  • en

    Orhan Döş


    Great Shawarma. Must taste it

  • en

    Jason Kruger


    At first you think it's a bit dingy and not very pretty, and you'd be right. But, that's not this place's swan song. It doesn't end there. I'm always excited when a bit of diversity comes our way in Zambia, and this place has it in droves. I had the beef Iskender which the Turkish guy at the shwarma station told me was authentic. Was an ok meal. Enjoyed the tomato relish thing though, that was good. I've never been to Turkey before, but I wouldn't be wrong (probably) in saying this place is a great representation of what you'd find there.

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