The Corner Cafe i Lusaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaThe Corner Cafe


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Great East, Lusaka, Lusaka, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
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Latitude: -15.3939642, Longitude: 28.3128005

kommentar 5

  • en

    Misozi Tembo


    Menu is not wide. The breakfast is not impressive. The grilled chicken is delicious and filling.

  • shashi reddy

    shashi reddy


    Sheesha-yes (100 kwacha) Alcohol- NO screens and TVs-yes Family friendly Kids playpark Secure car parking Food- good and very quick Mocktails-yes Outdoor gas heaters-yes Staff-friendly Sushi bar-opening soon

  • Ahmed Adam

    Ahmed Adam


    Good location but horrible food!. I was served burnt/rock hard cupcakes and was told that's how cudtomers prefer them. Hard to argue with that.

  • en

    Fungayi Chituta


    The food is great and the service is good. I enjoyed my time there.

  • rajeev khanna

    rajeev khanna


    An hour for a steak 😲. Hoping it will come and I can tell you if it was worth the wait. An hour is just too long. It did finally arrive and was v nice

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