Taj Pamodzi i Lusaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaTaj Pamodzi



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Church road, Lusaka, Sambia
kontakter telefon: +260 21 1254455
internet side: vivanta.tajhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -15.416872, Longitude: 28.300595

kommentar 5

  • Patrizio Basso Ricci

    Patrizio Basso Ricci


    Camere vecchie ma pulite. Aria condizionata rumorosa e ventilatore rumoroso della cucina sotto la finestra. Non c'è una presa elettrica vicino al letto per caricare il cellulare di notte. Overpriced.

  • en

    Achieng Akena


    I feel like I showed up not just to a hotel but to an enjoyable experience in hospitality. I had my gluten free bread toasted by the Executive Chef himself, who assured me that should there be absolutely anything I would like I should speak directly to any of the chefs and they would make it for me... I'm tempted to test the limits of this offer... The food is quite tasty so far and yet to disappoint...

  • en

    Sunita Vij


    Visited Taj Palmodzi Lusaka Zambia. Its beautiful hotel with lots of greenery. Ample parking. Excellent breakfast, lunch n dinner. Staff is very polite and helpful. Rooms are big n balconies r also very airy. Very comfortable stay. My sincere thanks to the staff.

  • en

    Yimale Kumwenda


    We went for the high tea/afternoon tea and it was great. Simple, delicious and we'll priced. We sat out on the patio so the view was nice. Tranquil. The service was OK but it could have been better because we felt like we were forgotten outside and occasionally had to go inside to find wait staff. They were however very friendly. I would definitely go back for afternoon tea.

  • FrantiC M&G

    FrantiC M&G


    Taj Pamodzi is easily one of Lusaka's favorite hotels. Beautiful rooms and excellent room service. The restaurants offer a wide choice on the menu. From famous international dishes to local delicacies. Enjoy cooling off in the swimming pool or sitting in the sun. Great place for the whole family on a holiday to one of Africa's more cultural countries

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