Sinamu Lodge Ltd i Kasama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaSinamu Lodge Ltd



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Luzuwa road Kasama ZM, Kasama 10101, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 8803935
internet side:
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Latitude: -10.2042027, Longitude: 31.1832869

kommentar 5

  • Madalitso Zulu

    Madalitso Zulu


    The food was amazing though the conference facilities may need a bit if an upgrade

  • Mumba Chisala

    Mumba Chisala


    Good enough budget rooms, but short of finesse that they have potential to attain if they pay attention to minor detail.

  • Webby Phiri

    Webby Phiri


    The room was nice and spacious in the new building. However, I wish the building was completed. I also find the workmanship in the building lacking quality. However the rooms are clean and comfortable.

  • jemimah ngulube

    jemimah ngulube


    The bathroom was dirty, the room had cockoroaches and ants. The only spray of insecticide for all rooms was at the reception desk. The receptionist was not very helpful in finding someone to clean the bathtub, apparently the whole hotel had no cleaning detergents to clean the bathtub and apparently the dishes. Extremely disappointed with service there. PLEASE NEVER VISIT THIS ESTABLISHMENT IF YOU WANT GOOD SERVICE.

  • David Luneta

    David Luneta


    One of the lodges offering timely meals for conferences. I was literally shocked that coffee break was ready 20 minutes ahead of time. Lunch too. Good chill spots and amazing swimming pool. Missed staying there as rooms were fully booked.

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