Protea by Marriott Hotel Chipata i Chipata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaProtea by Marriott Hotel Chipata


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Plot 3126, Great East Road, 10101, Chipata, Chipata, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 216 222 905
internet side:
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Latitude: -13.660974, Longitude: 32.657584

kommentar 5

  • Ntali Lamar Bwalya

    Ntali Lamar Bwalya


    Good place with the family holidays or business the food amazing there is nothing more I can say just to encourage people to pass by and see for yourself🥰🥰I for one cheers to protea Hotel chipata.

  • Tembo Zoey

    Tembo Zoey


    It is a cool place and very safe for your outings and chilling

  • Isaac crouch Mwn

    Isaac crouch Mwn


    It's very well designed and good place to spend time

  • Assane Sidi

    Assane Sidi


    Really Bad hotel. Noisy AC, fitness area is almost empty and what they have its old. Not a Marriot level Hotel.

  • Dr. Muskan Sharma

    Dr. Muskan Sharma


    This place have nice ambience. Though the options for vegetarians are not wide in range in their menu. Otherwise it's a good resort to hang out and for organizing gatherings. The food quality is good. And the staff is well mannered and polite. They do take care of the hygiene there as well. Overall its a nice hotel for stay !

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