Progress Medical Centre i Kitwe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaProgress Medical Centre



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Northumberland close, Zambia, Chiwala Avenue, Kitwe 66000, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 96 6922933
internet side:
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Latitude: -12.8096503, Longitude: 28.2251073

kommentar 5

  • Suwilotichi Simwanza

    Suwilotichi Simwanza


    Had a good experience at this hospital. From the reception desk, to the nurses, doctors and pharmacists. Good service! The only issue I have is that the entrance outside the gate is not paved. I almost fell multiple times after the rain. Please pave this to avoid injuries.

  • Nandi Haney

    Nandi Haney


    The nurses were not that nice on my visit,they assumed I knew which room to go for my consult and the lab results took longer than necessary. Can improve

  • Moses موسى Mwanza عِبِنمَغِرةِ

    Moses موسى Mwanza عِبِنمَغِرةِ


    This place is the best amazing hospital they have proper treatment Ooh progress Sach a good hospital 🏥

  • Moni nair

    Moni nair


    I had consulted for my back ache at the this hospital and with the advice of the chief doctor Rasul to undergo Physiotherapy treatment to for several weeks it's so much better in pain getting relieved along with the understanding by one of the Physiotherapist Ms.Elizabeth who helped in specialized method of treatment available to make me feel better in the ache which was experienced by me. Really good service provided . Looking forward for the same in the upcoming times

  • Thandiwe Mwanza

    Thandiwe Mwanza


    My experience has been amazing. The nurses, doctors, receptionists are all friendly and professional. I could ask questions and the atmosphere is so friendly and warm. I really am happy with the service.

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