Penmal Executive Lodge i Kitwe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaPenmal Executive Lodge



🕗 åbningstider

8, Chibote Avenue, Kitwe, Kitwe, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 8789429
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -12.8105897, Longitude: 28.2115197

kommentar 5

  • Kangwa Chuza

    Kangwa Chuza


    I love how clean and calm the surroundings are.

  • Arthur Mukelelabo Wamulume

    Arthur Mukelelabo Wamulume


    Hot shower is the first thing I give credit to before anything else, then followed by neat bathroom and room, comfy bed, no entertainment though, but for a small place, this is affordable and great for its price. 4 stars. I'm yet to go to the bar area 😂

  • Nathan Chibesa

    Nathan Chibesa


    The place is a good fit for me, I like that it doesn't cost a arm and foot.

  • QUEEN bunda

    QUEEN bunda


    The customer service is really good nd the rooms are very clean but I feel u can do better on the bathrooms

  • Andre Yowela

    Andre Yowela


    Wow enjoyed the one week stay at penmal, please keep it up, always expect me to come back during my visits to the copperbelt, exallency is what you offer, thank you ❤️👌

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