Murphy Guest House i Chipata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaMurphy Guest House


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8JXV+Q8M, Chipata, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 96 4615478
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Latitude: -13.6505344, Longitude: 32.6433051

kommentar 5

  • Boniface Moyo

    Boniface Moyo


    Clean, Fresh Meals and affordable rooms.

  • nsama humphrey

    nsama humphrey


    Good rooms, along the road

  • Caroline Lubinga

    Caroline Lubinga


    Loved the quiet, serene surroundings. Was able to swim and exercise in the gymn. Cash bar was available away from the rooms, ensuring there is no noise. Food menu was limited but the staff's service was excellent. Courteous and friendly. Hot water showers were available as was cable tv. Would recommend it to anyone.

  • albert chishiba

    albert chishiba


    It's a very beautiful and nice place..... actually loved the customer service. The rooms are spacious and comfortable.

  • Kaoma Chenge

    Kaoma Chenge


    It's very good place, very quiet and peaceful place to spend your night. Hot water from the showers, the rooms have aircons, secure place, you can leave all your things in the room without having to worry about being stolen.

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