Munali Café i Livingstone

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ZambiaMunali Café



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357, Mosi-Oa-Tunya, Livingstone, Livingstone, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 213 320 602
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Latitude: -17.8479131, Longitude: 25.8566983

kommentar 5

  • David tembo

    David tembo


    Nice place to chill and I loved the ice cream 🍨🍨🍨

  • Paulinah Munalye

    Paulinah Munalye


    Their coffee/ latte was so good! Thank you to the barista. Really good strong cup he made for us. The sandwich was just OK, nothing special. Would be nice if they could toast it.

  • Rajashekar Malali

    Rajashekar Malali


    A very neat and clean Cafe for having breakfast and even catch a bite on the run. They make the best Somosas money can buy, who ever reads this review or visit Munali Cafe shouldn't miss trying out their samosa They also do bake a lot other goodies.

  • Carl Muies

    Carl Muies


    Home of Zambia’s best barrister a few years in a row this is really the only place to get a quality cappuccino. At only 20k it’s super reasonable and the pastries are good to just make sure you ask the staff to warm them up. A lot of locals come here and that’s why I chose it, it’s not touristy at all. Decor could be updated but it gives it a zambia charm.

  • Isaac Wootton

    Isaac Wootton


    The smell of fresh pastries lured me in as I walked by. Besides the tasty, and very fresh pastries, they've got a good selection of coffee drinks at reasonable prices. I custom ordered a cake which was ready for pickup in a few hours, and suited my purposes perfectly.

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