Mukuba Shopping Mall i Kitwe

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaMukuba Shopping Mall



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Kitwe, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 3100867
internet side:
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Latitude: -12.806797, Longitude: 28.2203596

kommentar 5

  • en

    Raymond Chila Kasaka


    It's great mall. Good places. Good parking

  • en

    Paul Mumba


    It's a good place to do your shopping because there many shops and a good parking space. I like the security system, it is a place full of security officers. So I like to do my shopping from mukuba Mal.

  • Morgan Chabala

    Morgan Chabala


    It hosts a number of good local and international shops and has great parking space. Secondly it is located within the vicinity of Kitwe town center. If you want everything under one roof, MUKUBA mall is the place for your shopping. 🛍 🛍

  • en

    J.P. Kriel


    Good for grocery shopping but no entertainment section. Can never find parking in good time. Guards allow people to park wherever they want and makes traffic flow through the mall a humungous issue.

  • Jitto Sobana

    Jitto Sobana


    It has enough parking space, good customers care and wonderful security for vehicles. It also has good access to the main road. It is in a place where traffic control is easy because of the many roads that will lead you anywhere you want to go. It has enough eating places and for kids you will love it.

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