Lusaka Legacy Resort & Conference Centre i Lusaka

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ZambiaLusaka Legacy Resort & Conference Centre


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Lusaka, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 76 2350720
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Latitude: -15.4140377, Longitude: 28.446815

kommentar 5

  • Sheila Mumbi

    Sheila Mumbi


    Breathtaking views from the top of the hill. I didn't even notice the absence of the TV until someone mentioned it. Lovely and serene spot off the beaten tracks

  • Lucky Mizinga

    Lucky Mizinga


    This is an Awesome place to be if you haven't been yet. Great scenery, great Service and great Food.

  • Precious Mundambo

    Precious Mundambo


    Beautiful scenery, however lacking in a private bar or lounge area for visitors not part of meetings. Further, there is need to improve on food

  • pmwbmw Walsh

    pmwbmw Walsh


    Lovely place and location. BUT...... The most pathetic service from the kitchen I have ever had. After waiting more than an hour for a club sandwich and a goat stew, I started to rant and rave, just to be told that they think I should choose something else as the got seems to be off!!! They did not have the courage and decency to come right away and rather inform me that the goat was no available. Furious! They could only offer a beef stew T the same high price as the goat. The club sandwich arrived with two sandwich sections and not 4 segments as shown in the menu picture.

  • Peter Zulu

    Peter Zulu


    Excellent place locate on the outskstes of Lusaka. Hotel staff are very good. The guards on the farm are terrible and very unhelpful to visitors. Make sure that you know the roads well because if you miss a turn, you are in for it. I spent over an hour pleading for the gate to be opened but was told to go back. The guards also sounded intoxicated. Dispite all this bad experience. It a place I would rocomment for private functions and retreats.

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