Livingstone Museum i Livingstone

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ZambiaLivingstone Museum



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Plot 567, Mosi-Oa-Tunya Road, Livingstone, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 21 3324429
internet side:
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Latitude: -17.848185, Longitude: 25.85532

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carol Santini


    Great museum. Loved the history of Zambia. Gift shop was reasonably priced. Admission was reasonably.

  • La Rochelle Lodge Chipata, Zambia

    La Rochelle Lodge Chipata, Zambia


    A good place to be if one wants to walk back in time. The information and artefact s presents one with such interesting realism. Particularly eye-catching is the "Our Village" corner. The artistry and layout is typically Zambian. So much then and not now...! The wild animal corner has been standing for a very long. Long enough to be called history. The presentation will soon remain a tale looking at how we are destroying our Fiona and fauna....! Reading through reminds us how our fore fathers lived with thses animals Knowing there is tomorrow.

  • Michael Henshall

    Michael Henshall


    This is a very interesting museum. It has a great little recreation of a town in the building. One could spend many hours looking at a lot of the original artifacts that were on display. Maybe a little more light in the museum would be good, as it had a slightly dark and dinghy feel to it. This is also right on the main street and a very easy walk from all the backpackers and other places one could stay.

  • moshe perelmutter perelmutter

    moshe perelmutter perelmutter


    מוזיאון שמראה את התפתחות האדם מלפני 200000 שנה לפיו האדם התחיל את דרכו באפריקה. מעניין מאוד. מומלץ.

  • samanta samik

    samanta samik


    There is lot of historical and informative subject in the museum.. but can’t say that it’s well organised and ambience is very good. But overall worth to visit in some lazy day . You can easily spend 2 hrs with some information about Zambia and Zambian life..

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