Lechwe Cottage i Lusaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaLechwe Cottage


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Plot 297/SubC, leopards Hill Road, Lusaka 10100, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +254 705 120136
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Latitude: -15.4775987, Longitude: 28.4326715

kommentar 5

  • Nelly Banda

    Nelly Banda


    It's a nice place and quite I like it so much

  • Chilando Kapatamoyo

    Chilando Kapatamoyo


    Close to nature and beautiful eucalyptus trees! Loved it

  • Mable Chisha

    Mable Chisha


    Booked 4 nights and stayed 1. Had to leave early because something came up. Please wash the mosquito nets and fix the bathroom lock. It was the other way round. The wooden floor on the top terrace needs touch ups. And the Google Maps coordinates is wrong. It stops at some distant gate along the road.

  • Abishag Wambui

    Abishag Wambui


    A lovely cottage away from the hustle and bustle of town. It has a beautiful and spacious compound. If you're lucky, mangoes are easily available from the tree. DSTV is available.

  • Leslie Bands

    Leslie Bands


    Great friendly asmosphere. Very friendly and helpful host. Place clean neat and nice and quite

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