Hungry Lion Mazabuka i Mazabuka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaHungry Lion Mazabuka



🕗 åbningstider

6, T1, 00000, Mazabuka, Mazabuka, ZM Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 95 0019443
internet side:
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Latitude: -15.8582719, Longitude: 27.7631327

kommentar 5

  • Blessings Gondwe

    Blessings Gondwe


    Taste of the chicken wasn't okay. But the person who attended to us was polite and had the food replaced in less than 20 minutes. For the professional response am giving them 3 stars.

  • Steward Muller

    Steward Muller


    Food well prepared, service they are quick to serve, atmosphere conducive It's nice although the space is small.

  • Peter Mwandi

    Peter Mwandi


    it was crowded but the service was quick it's quicker than the leopards mall branch

  • Sipho Mwemba

    Sipho Mwemba


    It's not too bad..I went there on the opening so it was expected to be packed. Otherwise the chips didn't have the Hungry Lion taste to them. The chicken wasn't so bad though. Looking forward to see how it'll improve (plenty room for it) in the coming months.

  • Memo B

    Memo B


    Conveniently located across from Shoprite. I advise to park at shoprite and walk up to the place as parking can be a bummer. It’s good to have Hungry Lion in Mazabuka. Cashiers are helpful and friendly. The place was crowded but the queues moved quickly. I ordered a burger and it took a whopping 30 mins to come out. They sincerely apologized. Chicken and chips did not take long. Not much variety of drinks. I enjoyed all the food. Welcome to Maz ba Hungry Lion

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