ECG Church Chipata Branch i Chipata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaECG Church Chipata Branch


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Chipata, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
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Latitude: -13.646354, Longitude: 32.6466757

kommentar 1

  • Emily Kaunda

    Emily Kaunda


    Oh my God I thank God I came across this church way back 2013 and since then my life has been changed drastically through the word of God preached here, healing and deliverance. It is a prophetic ministry and we are not just a church but in enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG) we are a family where people finds mothers, uncles and sisters we are one everywhere. I must confess it's one of the church where you meet people who respects anyone regardless of what you are, that includes race, color, etc it is the home for everyone if people rejects you at ECG we receive you because in God we trust. It is a perfect church I recommend everyone or anyone who wants to visit chipata must go attend a service at ECG. God bless the founder of this church for helping winning many souls to Christ and indeed with God all things are possible. You will always find ushers at the entrance very welcoming and ready to show you where to sit in church and if you want to see or meet the man of God there is an office at church everyday he is available for prayers and preaching . Be blessed as you visit ECG church.

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