Dazi lodge VIP town central i Kitwe

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ZambiaDazi lodge VIP town central


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Number 1 Pam road, Kantana St., Kitwe, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260
internet side: travel.jumia.com
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Latitude: -12.8226887, Longitude: 28.2183853

kommentar 5

  • Joseph Lubinda

    Joseph Lubinda


    Dazi lodge VIP is a no no. It is terrible!!! To start with, they have bad customer service. For some reason, the majority of them walk around like you offended them by going there. They pay more attention to the bar than clients lodging there. Second, they do not k own how to cook. My daughter who loves eggs could not swallow their fried eggs. They were so oily you could not taste the egg. The bread was drenched in oil when I put the egg on it. Third, their rooms are very dirty. It was so dusty I had to ask them to mop the room before I could spend the night. Moving the furniture revealed a lot of dust and dirt which proved they do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the place. Fourth, they are located in a mosquito infested area and they do not even provide mosquito nets. I had to go out at night looking for a place that sold an insecticide to get rid of the swarm of mosquitos in the room. Fifth, they love money more than service. I could not stay longer because of the experience I had, and despite communicating before hand that I would leave early, they refused to refund me. The owner of the place, Dr Christina told me she had already used the money so she would nit refund me. All in all, Dazi is a no from me. This is the worst lodging experience I have had in Africa, and I have lodged in over 10 countries in Africa so far.

  • Justine Musambo

    Justine Musambo


    Nice place and they offer good services

  • Kelvin Besa

    Kelvin Besa


    It's a nice place to be

  • Harrison Phiri

    Harrison Phiri


    Very nice place but...

  • Marvin Mpundu

    Marvin Mpundu


    I've never spent a night there but it looks okay though the prices are a bit high

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