Cross Roads Lodge - Chipata i Chipata

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaCross Roads Lodge - Chipata


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9J8J+MF9, Chipata, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 216 222 319
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Latitude: -13.6333431, Longitude: 32.6312323

kommentar 5

  • william zulu

    william zulu


    O My stay was wonderful and workers friendly and welcoming.

  • Dale M

    Dale M


    We stayed a week at this Lodge, the staff were friendly, the food was good (variety and tasty), and while the rooms were small, our overall time their was very pleasant.

  • Jackson Shawa

    Jackson Shawa


    It has a great location and I like a chill by the bar section. I'm not sure how the rooms are but the people at the bar are very welcoming and friendly. Nice place to watch football too.

  • Melody Singandu

    Melody Singandu


    Clean, comfortable, good ambience, good food. I'd recommend it to anyone.

  • Rabecca Banda

    Rabecca Banda


    It's not the first time to lodge at crossroads, like for example this month August 2022 lodged there twice but the reception is very bad am wondering 🤔, they clean the rooms late, their hospitality is poor I don't understand if maybe they think customers should be subjected to that kind of reception😠.. How can people promote local businesses with such an attitude towards customers? ... Tiziphempa sure! Management should engage an allowable number of staff to do the cleaning of rooms on time and reception staff should be welcoming not giving customers an attitude. Change for the better because it is not good for people who travel to complain, remember we add value to your company.

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