Ciêla, Lusaka, a Tribute Portfolio Resort and Spa i Lusaka Province

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ZambiaCiêla, Lusaka, a Tribute Portfolio Resort and Spa



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Ngwerere Road, Bonanza Estate Lusaka ZM, 10110, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 211 433 250
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Latitude: -15.2613553, Longitude: 28.4369019

kommentar 5

  • Liseli Akayombokwa

    Liseli Akayombokwa


    One the best places in Lusaka, the food ,music and hospitality is second to none. The scenery even better. Recommended it to every one who wants have a fun time or just relax.

  • Cynthia Lewis

    Cynthia Lewis


    I loved the environment, the ambience and serenity of it all. Absolutely breathtaking. However the service left much to be desired. On more than one occasion we had to call the waiter to attend to us after we had been sat a while. Also room service was close to impossible, numerous phone calls went unanswered.

  • Amit Lokhande

    Amit Lokhande


    I am amazed by the way this place is developed and maintained, must appreciate the efforts by one and all. It's near the KK Airport in Lusaka and a must visit for a relaxing weekend. To enjoy and explore the resort park your car and hire a bicycle available with your kids 😀 and go back to your childhood. The Brewery is cherry 🍒 on the icing. Flavourful beers 🍻 👌 just awesome. The Food options are plenty to choose from. The Swimming Pools for kids is safe and clean. Kids will enjoy this day out. Have a beer 🍺 watching your kids play and read a book. A day well spent.

  • Pontino Tembo

    Pontino Tembo


    Spent a few days at the Ciela Resort for a work mission. The environment is excellent. Conference facilities are good. The rooms are well maintained and good. There is a variety of options for the food. One can eat from the main restaurant, the Botanica or can walk to the Brewery. Ultimately, the service is on point.

  • Mwenya Chishimba

    Mwenya Chishimba


    This place is definitely top tier. Hospitality was above and beyond with friendly staff and friendly atmosphere encumbered with breathtaking views. The food was mouth watering, from the presentation going all the way down into your belly. Loved each and every bit of my experience there and I’m looking forward to visiting again.

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