Cheshire Home i Malengwa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaCheshire Home


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Cheshire Home, Malengwa, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 97 9366281
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Latitude: -15.2277593, Longitude: 23.1463883

kommentar 5

  • Cathy Crawford

    Cathy Crawford


    Another very successful visit of 3 Surgeons from Lusaka just completed. Thank God for the extraordinary expertise of our Medical Professionals who help improve the lives of so many children and adults through surgery and aftercare. Blessings on all the work.

  • Chuma Muhali

    Chuma Muhali


    I enjoyed my stay, the sisters are friendly and the workers are soo helpful.. It was a home away from home. A house filled up with a basic needs one would ever want in a home.

  • Martin Inambao Malumo

    Martin Inambao Malumo


    Thanks to the stuff for the services they offer to the disabled.

  • Racheal Lindi

    Racheal Lindi


    People at Cheshire are very welcoming, very kind and very caring.They really have the heart for disabled children, taking care even for children whose parents are away... It,s a good Home to live,a disabled child finds relief, May Our Good Lord Bless You Cheshire People!!!

  • Stewart Mwansa

    Stewart Mwansa


    Very nice and cool environment for meals and outings

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