CFB Hospital i Lusaka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaCFB Hospital



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Lusaka, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 21 1254396
internet side:
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Latitude: -15.4063908, Longitude: 28.3092128

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daniel Morrison


    I have been taking my pregnant wife for doctors appointments here. I really like the doctors there yet I have a big issue pertaining to the sonogram machine and the technicians unwillingness to do a 3D scan when it was recommended and put into a script to do so by a doctor! The sonogram machine needs to be fixed because you cannot get a clear photo and after a few tries my wife and I gave up and had to go to Coptic to get a proper scan. CFB should fix this machine because they charge some of the highest rates in Zambia but besides the rates it’s the memories that mothers and fathers are suppose to have and the technicians seem not to care about the clients wants and needs.

  • zayumba kizamile mugara

    zayumba kizamile mugara


    One of best hospitals in lusaka. Great staff

  • zh



    效率非常低, 这和医院的风格不匹配

  • Charles Nonde

    Charles Nonde


    Not a bad place, I know they can do better.

  • zewelanji sinkala

    zewelanji sinkala


    Service good I feel they could do even better

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