Castle Siavonga i Southern Province

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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ZambiaCastle Siavonga


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Plot 464 Siavonga ZM, 01001, Zambia
kontakter telefon: +260 96 8192662
internet side:
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Latitude: -16.5371378, Longitude: 28.6817318

kommentar 5

  • Mariah Mulenga

    Mariah Mulenga


    It was great. John and his staff were amazing. And they had some amazing dogs too

  • Siddharth Solankie

    Siddharth Solankie


    Perfect place for a private weekend getaway. Clean, beautiful and peaceful.

  • Ongani B.

    Ongani B.


    Peaceful property, not for parties or fine staying or dining but a true place to connect with your friends, family or partner. Right at the edge most of Siavonga... quiet & welcoming... like true home away from because home... literally, cook your own food, stay up and chat or peacefully disconnect from the busy world.

  • Joel Makelele

    Joel Makelele


    It was such an amazing experience, the surroundings are excellent, the service is out of this world. Very Friendly hosts. This is a place to relax and unwind away from the noise of the city. A very beautiful castle and Nice Books.

  • Sharon Malwita

    Sharon Malwita


    It was an amazing experience, and l will definately come back, its cozy and feels like home away from home, the boat cruise was phenomeno at sunset. Defiantely a place to be when in siavonga.

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