Acamms Gardens Lodge Mongu w Malengwa

ZambiaAcamms Gardens Lodge Mongu


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Along Limulunga Road, R554+JGW, Malengwa, Zambia
kontakt telefon: +260
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: -15.1908769, Longitude: 23.1563396

komentarze 5

  • Rhodex Teejey Mweemba

    Rhodex Teejey Mweemba


    Need to improve on service delivery. Standards are depreciating 🙁

  • Roy Whitworth

    Roy Whitworth


    Rooms were okay. Service was horrible, food was cold, staff were friendly.

  • Katuta Mbewe

    Katuta Mbewe


    The rooms are nice, the service can improve. But the location has no network coverage at the very least. So unless you are on a retreat of some sort, I wouldn't recommend this place

  • Hamakwa Mantina

    Hamakwa Mantina


    Facilities are good but service is poor. Kitchen opens late for breakfast. Swimming pool now a mosquito breeding ground and generally the place is unkept. The manager is slacking and will run the place down if no action is taken.

  • Milumbe Sipatela

    Milumbe Sipatela


    This is a good place found in Africa in Zambia particularly in the western part of Zambia this place has got different types of places designed for the children the middle-aged and the old aged their swimming pools that's where you find where is alcohol the bars are there then there is a place a very good packing space there is a place where children can be kept busy playing in horses and playing with strings swings this place is found along the lord which goes to the palace of his majesty the king of the loads of people you find people who guide you and you take you through the place this place can be booked for weddings this best can be booked for parties and it can be booked for kitchen party celebrations church people can we can book this place those want to bring musicians can book this space and this place as veloversity space where everybody can be cut out and you'll never regret having time at this place

najbliższy Kwatera

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